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How to Create a Poll for Your Friends Online

How to Create a Poll for Your Friends Online. Online polls are a great way to determine what your friends think about something. Whether you’re a creator looking for feedback from fans or want to end a debate, an online poll is simple to make, but there are many options from which to choose.

There are polls for posts on all social media sites. However, each one is different and has its structure. Here’s how to make a poll on some of the most popular social media sites.

How to Create a Poll on Facebook

Most people have a Facebook page. Facebook makes it easy to reach many people quickly, so it’s an excellent place to create polls. It’s straightforward and quick to make a poll on Facebook. You can only make polls on Facebook Pages and in Facebook groups. Here is how to make one:

  1. Go to the “Write something” box in a Facebook group and click on it.
  2. An area at the bottom will be called “Add to your post.” You can see all of your options by clicking on the “…” symbol in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the “Poll” option.
  4. A set of tools to create your poll will appear in a window.
  5. At the top, write your question.
  6. You can have as many options for answers as you want.
  7. When you’re done, tag whoever you want and click “Post.”

How to Create a Poll on Instagram

Instagram isn’t just for changing photos; it also has a lot of other tools. You can even create polls that your followers can answer. But first, you have to put Instagram polls on your Story. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Tap “Add story” to launch the Instagram app.
  2. For your Story, you’ll need a picture or video. Again, use something that stands out and is also about you.

  3. There are four buttons at the top of the page. First, select the smiley face; second, make a poll from the left.
  4. Select “Poll” in this menu.
  5. Write the question you want an answer to in the black text box.

  6. The answers that come up by default are “Yes” and “No,” but you can change them to anything you want.
  7. You can add more answers by tapping the white box that says “Add another option…”
  8. Tap “Done” in the top right corner when you’re done.

You can check the results anytime by tapping “Your story.” Unfortunately, Instagram stories only last for 24 hours, but you can save your posts if you want to.

How to Create a Poll on Twitter

Twitter is a quick and easy way to share your thoughts. On Twitter, creating a poll is simple, and you can even set how long you want it to run. Follow these steps to make a poll on Twitter:

  1. Click on the third icon, between the smiley face and the “GIF” sign, beneath the main text box.
  2. You start with two answer options, just like Instagram and Facebook. Then, click on the “+” to add additional answer options. Keep in mind that you can add up to four options.

  3. Fill in the boxes to set how long you want your poll to be up. For example, a Twitter poll can be set up for up to seven days.

  4. Next to the small globe icon, you can set who can see and answer your poll.
  5. When you’re done, click the “Tweet” button.

How to Create a Poll on TikTok

TikTok isn’t just for new dance moves or political speeches. You can also make polls for your friends and followers to vote on. Here’s how to make a poll if you want to know what your followers think:

  1. First, you will need to create a new post.
  2. Once you’ve made all the changes you want and are happy with the video, tap “Next.”

  3. Pick the option with the stickers. This is the face with a smile on it.
  4. The “Poll” sticker is near the top. Click on it to go on.
  5. Now, type your question. You can add your answers here as well.
  6. To save everything, tap “Done” in the top-right area.
  7. Tap “Post” after you add comments and tags.

How to Create a Poll on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is less popular than Instagram or TikTok, but millions of working professionals use it to connect for business and job prospects. For those looking for feedback on their industry or their products, LinkedIn also gives polls. Making a poll is easy, and here’s how to do it:

  1. A box next to your Profile Picture says, “Start a Post.” Just click it.
  2. There will be a small gap. Find the button for the bar graph in the bottom right corner. This option is for polls.
  3. Start with your question and add as many answers as you want.

  4. You can now make your poll last as long as two weeks.
  5. Click “Done” when you’re done.

How to Create a Poll on Reddit

You can also create polls on Reddit, but there are many more rules for posting on Reddit than on other social media sites. First, you must choose a subreddit to post in before posting. Each subreddit has its own rules about how posts should be made. Some might keep you from posting polls, so check twice before you try to post one on Reddit.

Reddit polls have a lot more options than polls on other sites. You can choose up to six answers, change the font, and do all the other things that Reddit posts let you do. Here’s how to make a Reddit poll:

  1. First, select “Create Post” on the Reddit home page’s top left corner.

  2. Pick the subreddit where you want to post.
  3. There are several tabs at the top of the post. First, click on the “Poll” button.
  4. Add the post’s title and main content. Putting the question in the title is better so everyone can understand the position.
  5. Put your answers in up to six boxes. Reddit likes polls that have a lot of options.

  6. Choose how long you want your poll to be open where it says “Voting length.”
  7. You can add any tags you want to the poll.
  8. Choose “Post.”

Poll Position

Polls are a great way to find answers to all of your important questions. Social media site has their own rules for how to do things. Before making a decision, consider all the pros and cons of each option. Reddit is a complete option, but the ease of use of TikTok and Instagram makes them the easiest to use.

Have you ever created a poll on the Internet? Did you try any of the things I wrote about above? Then, please tell us what you think about the area below.

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