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How to Stop Spam Emails – Easy Blocks & Fixes

How to Stop Spam Emails – Easy Blocks & Fixes. If you have an email account, you have probably received a lot of spam (unsolicited) in your inbox and are unhappy about it. They could be from people trying to sell you something you don’t need or unknown senders trying to scam you.

Spam emails are a pain, as we are all aware. To find that one email from a friend or coworker you haven’t heard from in a while, you must sort through your inbox and delete one after another. It can take a lot of time and invade your privacy.

You will be happy to know that there are steps you can take to keep junk mail out of your inbox. It’s time to deal with them once and for all, and you have the power to do so.

There is no way to block scammers, spammers and data thieves who frequently change their email addresses, which is the only drawback.

Let’s get started.

Dealing With Spam Emails

Before we teach you how to stop emails, it’s important to note that no matter what you do, some spammers will find a way into your inbox. Because of this, we’re using this section to teach you how to deal with spam emails that come your way.

1. Never Click a Link from a Spam Email

Reduce all interactions to deal with spam emails. You shouldn’t even open them, but if you do, don’t click on any link inside. This tells the spammer that the account is still active, which encourages them to keep sending you emails.

2. Never Respond to a Spam Email

When someone sends you a lot of junk mail, you might be tempted to respond and tell them to stop. That’s a mistake most people make. Responding to the email could be seen as approval from the sender, which could lead to more spam emails. In some situations, you may give way more personal information.

3. Use an Alternate Email Address

Today, most email services, including Gmail and Yahoo Mail, come with an option to set up an alternate email address alongside your primary address. With an alternate address, you can interact with websites, platforms, or forums that could potentially inundate you with spam messages. You can even filter anything addressed to your alternate address into a specified folder for easier management (more on that below).

4. Unsubscribe from Mailing Lists

Unsubscribing from marketing emails is a great way to avoid spam. This way, your inbox won’t fill up too quickly with unwanted messages. A mass-marketing company with numerous clients sends out a lot of emails. Marketers will remove you from future mailing lists once you unsubscribe. But their messages won’t get to your inbox even if they don’t.

Note: When you unsubscribe from an email address sent by a marketing/advertising agency, you will still get messages from the marketing company for their other clients unless you unsubscribe to both the company and its client. When you unsubscribe from the agency, the client-specific emails will stop after a few weeks, but it’s still a good idea to unsubscribe from both.

Most companies put an unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email. Companies are required by the Federal Trade Commission to include an opt-out link in their marketing campaigns. But there are a few dishonest marketers who won’t do that. If your spam emails lack the unsubscribe button, you can block them.

5. Don’t Interact with Spam Emails

Spam emails can be dangerous in addition to annoying. With cyberattacks on the rise, it’s essential to be careful when dealing with suspicious emails.

Spam messages can contain malicious attachments and viruses that could damage your device or infiltrate your system with malware in seconds. Most spam emails try to get you to do something terrible, like give out personal information or click on a bad link. Some people want you to let images in, which can also be very bad. Others advise you to add them to your list of people you trust. That’s why it’s best to avoid interacting with suspicious emails.

6. Block the Spam Emails

Blocking emails from specific senders is an effective way to stop spam, as long as they don’t consistently change email addresses.

Some emails come from senders who break FTC rules. More specifically, they don’t allow you to unsubscribe or stop receiving emails. You can block emails from the same email address.

Most email services offer users a way to block senders in a few steps. For example, here’s how to block a sender on Gmail (we’ll show you how to do this on other email clients further down):

  1. Open Gmail and then open one of the sender’s messages.

2. In the top right corner, click More.

3. Select Block by clicking.

7. Use Email Filters

All periods in the address before the domain name are ignored by most email services, which is strange.
For example, messages sent to,, and will end up in the same inbox. This means that whenever you want to sign up for a service that could be a source of spam messages, you can use a version of your email address with periods. When you want to separate the emails, you can tell your provider to move all messages sent to the alias address to a folder of your choice.

8. Don’t Post Your Email Address

If you want to keep your inbox clean and reduce the number of spam emails landing in your account, consider not posting your email address in public spaces. These include social media sites like Facebook and Twitter and professional development communities like LinkedIn. But what if your job requires you to publicize your contact information, including your email address? You should create a new address to filter out the spam in this situation.

How to Stop Spam Emails on the iPhone

Spam emails are a pain no matter what device you use to access your mailbox. If you have an iPhone, there’s an easy way to stop unwanted spam messages before they reach your phone. Here are the steps:

  1. Open one of the emails you’ve gotten from the address you want to block.

2. Tap on More.

3. Tap on Block [Sender].

Alternatively, you may unsubscribe from the sender’s email campaign by tapping the “Unsubscribe” button, usually found at the bottom of the email.

How to Stop Spam Emails on an Android

If you have an Android phone and are tired of spam emails, follow these instructions:

1. First, open the email service and spread the spam message.

2. Tap More in the top right corner.

3. Select Block [Sender].

How to Stop Spam Emails in Outlook

To stop spam emails in Microsoft Outlook:

  1. Choose the spam email sent from the source you want to block.

2. Select Junk from the drop-down menu when you right-click on the message.

3. Click the Block [Sender] button.

How to Stop Spam Emails in Hotmail

Hotmail is one of several popular email services globally but isn’t immune from spam emails. Use the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email message to prevent spam from flooding your Hotmail account.

Adding unwanted senders to the “Blocked List” is another way to stop spam emails in Hotmail.
Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click the Settings gear icon in the upper right corner of your inbox after opening it.

2. Choose More.

3. Click on Safe and blocked senders under Preventing spam email.

4. Click on Add next to Blocked senders and domains.

5. You can block an email address by entering it.

6. To finish the process, click Save.

How to Stop Spam Emails in Xfinity Mail

Are you tired of spam messages clogging up your Xfinity mail account? The best option is to set up spam filters that automatically filter all incoming messages to the spam folder. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. First, create an account with Xfinity Connect.
  2. Click the icon that looks like a gear in the upper right corner.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select the Advanced Settings option.
  5. Choose to move spam and potentially dangerous messages to the Spam folder automatically.

After seven days, all messages sent to the spam folder are removed.

How to Stop Spam Emails in Yahoo Mail

Yahoo Mail has a spam filter that keeps spam out of your inbox. However, some spam might still find its way into your inbox. If this happens, you can take steps to train the filter and make it better at catching unwanted emails. What you should do is:

1. The Spam email folder should be opened.

2. Click the ellipsis in the top right corner (three small dots).

3. Filter messages like this one by clicking on it…

Instead, click the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of the email message.

Spam emails are annoying and can prevent you from getting important information like online banking, important account information, or even updates on your orders. You might end up losing money or exposing your business to fraud. It’s time to take action if you’re tired of having unimportant messages clutter up your inbox. Follow some of the steps we’ve outlined for the best ways to stop the flow of spam and regain control of your inbox. Due to constantly changing email addresses, you might be unable to stop all spam, but you can control how much gets into your inbox by taking other steps.

Spam Emails FAQs

How do I eliminate spam emails from senders that keep changing their addresses?

Unfortunately, you can’t block spam from constantly changing email addresses. The situation is the same as when you send a text message.

Why am I suddenly getting a lot of spam emails?

Spammers purchase large quantities of email addresses from specific providers to add them to their mailing lists. Your email address was on a list recently sold to one or more scammers if you’ve noticed a sudden increase in spam emails in your account.

This usually happens when you enter your email address in a field that looks safe but is a tool used by scammers to gather email addresses.

How can I report spam emails to authorities?

First, you can report spam to the email provider by tapping the “Spam” link. But that doesn’t always mean that the sender goes to the “Spam” folder or that the provider looks at it and does something.

Second, you can let the Federal Trade Commission know about spam emails by going to All reports are sent anonymously, so scammers and the authorities cannot identify you.

How do I spot spam e-mails?

Spammers frequently send emails that create the impression that you must act quickly. These frequently have subject lines that seem essential.

Realizing you’ve never communicated with the sender before is an excellent way to spot spam emails. Finding an email that doesn’t follow a company’s email style is another way to tell. Always look at the “From” address. If it doesn’t match the company’s official email address, it’s probably fake.

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