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Can TikTok Be Ordered By Date? Not All the Way

Are you trying to find the newest TikTok videos or something posted last week? You can fast find what you’re looking for in these cases by sorting videos by date. But can you do it on TikTok?

This post will discuss whether you can sort videos, hashtags, and comments on TikTok by date.

Can You Order TikTok Videos by Date?

One of the main causes why TikTok is so famous is that anyone can make an account and start transferring videos with just a rare tap. You have everything you require to create a catchy, interesting video that can get thousands or millions of views thanks to various artistic tools that users can use, such as filters, effects, and music.

The app is also very social. Users can track each other, like and comment on videos, and even sing duets. Because of this, TikTok is much more fun to use than other video-sharing sites.

With all of these miracles, it’s no wonder that the platform has more than 1.4 billion monthly active users. Because of this, millions of videos are posted every day, and being able to sort them by date would help in many ways.

Sorting by date helps you find the most current videos if you want to follow a trend or challenge. Also, if you’re looking for pictures for your content, you can get a more reasonable idea of what’s popular on the app by watching the most recent videos. You can discover new creators to follow by sorting by date as well.

TikTok doesn’t let you sort videos by date, which is a shame.

The app uses an algorithm-based, highly personalized feed to deliver videos tailored to specific users, considering your hobbies, who you follow, and what’s popular. Unfortunately, there is no way to sort videos by the date they were posted.

There are a few workarounds, but they only help when you want to view the most recent content. First, you can open your following list and pull on the screen to force a direct refresh. The app will then sort the list again, placing the most recent videos at the top.

Enabling push notifications for certain accounts is another method to view the most recent content. Once you’ve done that, you’ll always know when new content is added to those accounts because you’ll get a notice.

Can You Sort TikTok Hashtag Pages by Date?

Tags are a great way to find people on TikTok who like the same things you do. By looking for and using the right hashtags, you can get more people and get more people to watch your videos.

But TikTok needs a way to sort hashtags by date. Instead, the algorithm gives more weight to engagement than to date stamps. This means that hashtags with the most popular videos will always show at the top of the Discover page, even if some videos underneath them are a bit older.

Also, some hashtags are popular for not just one day but several days in a row. This means they will stay in the search results longer and cannot be tied to a specific date.

You’ll have to look through the full hashtag feed to find the most recent videos on a certain topic.

Can you Sort TikTok Comments by Date?

One of the most useful things about TikTok is that other users can comment on your videos. But there ought to be a method to sort comments by date on the app right now. This can be frustrating if you desire to reply to a specific comment because you have to scroll through all the newer ones first.

TikTok comments can be sorted by date but not in the app itself. Instead, you’ll need to use a service like Hootsuite that isn’t part of Twitter. When you use Hootsuite streams to handle your social media accounts, you can sort TikTok comments by the date they were made. What is Hootsuite, though?

Hootsuite is a great way to track all your social media accounts in one place. It lets you visit all your social media feeds in one place, creating it easier to keep up with what’s happening. With Hootsuite streams, you can watch people’s comments about your videos or videos posted by others. Most importantly, you can sort TikTok comments by date with streams.

This is how:

  1. Go to “Streams” and then open the board showing the stream.
  2.  See the post you are interested in and click “View Comments.”
  3.  Next, click “Sort by date.”

You will now be able to view comments by date, from the most recent to the oldest.

Can I Sort My Liked Videos on TikTok?

If you’re using TikTok for business or marketing, you should think carefully about the content you share. To make more content like that in the future, sorting your favorite videos can help you find the kinds of videos that perform well and get more engagement.

You need help to sort the videos you like on TikTok. You can only organize things that you have marked as favorites.

Sorting Content Largely Remains a Dream on TikTok

TikTok’s system for putting videos in your feed makes it hard to sort videos by date. It puts more weight on engagement, meaning that popular videos are more likely to show at the app’s top regardless of when they were posted.

This can be frustrating when you’re attempting to find new content because you may have to scroll through pages of popular videos before you find what you’re looking for or something new. There are some ways around it, but they could be better.

On the plus side, TikTok is a dynamic platform that adds new features. One day, videos, comments, and hashtags will be sorted by date without having to leave the app.

Are you a fan of TikTok? Can I find content posted on a certain date?

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